Managing HTTP servers with NGINX

Infrastructure required I am using Rocky Linux 9, you can use any linux distributions and the result will be same. But I will recommend choose any Red-hat based distributions. Make sure to have at least 3 servers ready. Example: Installing NGINX Using yum package manager yum install nginx -y Using rpm yum -y install wget wget yum install nginx*.rpm Start and Enable NGINX systemctl start nginx && systemctl enable nginx Check nginx version with other details...

April 20, 2024

One year with skillshare, my honest experience

A year earlier, I subscribed to skillshare. If you’re here, you already know what is skillshare. It’s a website for online learning. If you wonder how I purchased skillshare although I am from Nepal where paypal is not available, I have used dollar card from NMB bank in order to purchase skillshare from Nepal. My reasons for purchasing skillshare were to have an affordable medium to learn. At that point in time, I was learning loads of concepts and buying each course in udemy was getting very expensive to me....

April 11, 2024

The math behind configuring static IP address in Linux

Objectives Learn how to configure static IP in linux while connecting to the internet. Learn the math behind setting up IP Address. This will work on Red-Hat based distros. This was tested on Rocky Linux 9. Step 1: Take a fresh VM I will use Rocky Linux 9. To download, visit and select x86_64’s minimal version. Step 2: Change the networking to bridged mode Working with NAT’ted IP is a hassle for beginners....

April 8, 2024

How to install SSL certificates in nginx web servers in Linux

Objectives Learn how to install SSL certificates of various providers like digicert,sectigo in Linux using nginx web server. Learn how to install Letsencrypt SSL certificate. What’s provided in premium SSL files? domain_name_certificate.crt CA_Bundle.crt or intermediate.crt and root.crt. usertrust AAA private_key.key The goal is to generate a valid certificate by cryptographic algorithms. First understand the certificate provider. digicert certificate cat domain_name_certificate.crt CA_Bundle.crt > crt2023.crt where, domain_name_certificate.crt is the main certificate, the certificate that includes your domain name in it....

January 1, 1970